Challah for the Soul: Parshat Kedoshim
I’m calling this one the Love and Respect Challah! Rye, Spelt and Whole Wheat living together in harmony. And don’t they just look lovely...

Shlissel (key) Challah for the Soul
Pesach is over, we are firmly back in real time, and the house smells of Challah again. yay! If you’re breathing (and on instagram,...

Matzah for the Soul
Matzah for the Soul This challah lady is ready for some matzah! As I anticipate that first bite into a crispy matzah tonight, I reflect...

Challah for the Soul - Parshat Vayakhel
Marzipan Challah from RISING! The Book of Challah / buy it on Amazon today! "And Moshe called together Betzalel, Oholiav, and the wise of...

Challah for The Soul
Parshas Terumah In this week’s parsha Hashem tells the Jewish people. “Asu Li Mikdash, v’shachanti b’tocham” “Make Me a temple, and I...

Challah for the Soul: Parshat Mishpatim
This week's parsha tells us of the Laws. The day to day workings of a Torah driven life. At the end of the litany of laws we say as one,...

Challah for the Soul: Parshat Yitro
“...Speak to the House of Jacob and tell the Children of Israel” Hashem is telling Moshe to prepare the Jewish people for the Torah. "The...

Challah for the Soul: Shabbat Shira
This week’s parsha is one of glorious redemption! We overcome our adversaries, rise high on the wings of Hashem’s love for us, and cross...

Pumpkin Challah Cuties
As thanksgiving draws closer and you can’t sneeze without hitting a pumpkin, we encounter the dilemma once again of “Yes turkey day vs No...

Happy Birthday RISING!
Well, here we are. It is one year to the day that my cookbook baby was brought into this world. Happy Birthday RISING! Much as the first...