Challah for the Soul: Parshat Kedoshim
I’m calling this one the Love and Respect Challah! Rye, Spelt and Whole Wheat living together in harmony. And don’t they just look lovely...

Thanksgiving Challah
Thanksgiving… What?? It has to be said. For a nation that’s so hung up on individuality and originality, Americans are shockingly square...

Challah in 7 days. No kidding
I always go on about how Challah mirrors creation. Or more precisely – how Challah is a microcosm of all creation. Which makes sense,...

Seeing Slowly
It’s been a long time. I apologize for my absence! In the madness of my cookbook photo shoot, I became a totally visual person and...

My Tu B'Shvat Top 10
Read on, maybe you’ll have your own list when you’re done! and if you do . . . can you please share it with me? So here it is! 10...

Save the Challah!
Now, lest you start getting all righteous and indignant on me, let it be known that I am well aware that there are actual species of...

The Miracle of Time
Shavua Tov! It’s been a bit busy over here – excuse my absence! (I’m going to make up for it now with a really long post.) Bear with me...

The Sweet Spot in the Sourdough Adventure
Something was bothering me all Shabbos, as I thought of my sourdough post. As I watched and worried over my fledgling sourdough starter,...

My Sourdough Adventure
Shockingly. . . I’m posting on a Thursday! But don’t start thinking that this means I am actually baking challah pre-Friday, (read… Super...

10,000 Challahs
Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers speaks about the 10,000 hour rule. If you do something 10,000 times, or keep at it for 10,000 hours...